Food Affects Mood

Did you know that food impacts how kids feel? A balanced diet consisting of whole grains, lean proteins (including dairy), fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats serve as the building blocks of happiness hormones via the gut-brain axis (a communication channel between the intestines and brain made possible by the work of trillions of bacteria). Interested to learn more about how healthy food can improve mood? Enjoy the following infographic for more information!

Social Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a mindfulness practice through which young students can develop and apply skills related to emotion regulation, social interactions, and overall well-being. It involves understanding and managing one's emotions, building positive relationships, and making responsible decisions. SEL focuses on teaching skills such as empathy, communication, problem-solving, impulse control, stress management, conflict resolution, and self-awareness. The goal is to help children develop the emotional intelligence and social skills needed to navigate various aspects of life, both in and outside of the classroom. For more information that reinforces mindful SEL for your children at home and at school, please refer to this infographic!